Posted in Adrienne Kress, Books, Dastan Books, Fantasy, Genre, Publisher


Alex and the Ironic Gentleman: Petualangan Mencari Harta Karun WigpowderTitle: Alex and the Ironic Gentleman: Petualangan Mencari Harta Karun Wigpowder

Author: Adrienne Kress

Publihers: Dastan Books

Edition: First Edition, Indonesia, March 2010

Pages: 312  pages, 13 x 18 cm

Price: IDR 49,900 (Dastan Books Online)

Date Purchased: July, 2 2012

Date Read: July, 10 2012

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Publisher’s Synopsis (Weinsten Books)

Often mistaken for a boy because of her haircut and name, Alex Morningside is an inquisitive girl of ten-and-a-half who attends the prestigious Wigpowder-Steele Academy. Unfortunately, though she loves to learn, Alex just can’t bring herself to enjoy her classes. Her teachers are all old and smelly and don’t seem to know about anything that has happened in the world the past thirty years, and her peers…well they are quite simply ridiculous. Luckily for Alex, the new school year brings an exciting new teacher. Mr. Underwood makes lessons fun and teaches her how to fence. But Mr. Underwood has a mysterious family secret – the swashbuckling and buried treasure kind – and not everyone is glad he has come to Wigpowder-Steele. When the infamous pirates of a ship called the Ironic Gentleman kidnap Mr. Underwood, Alex sets off on a journey to rescue him, along the way encountering a cast of strange and magical characters, including the dashing and sometimes heroic Captain Magnanimous, Coriander the Conjurer, the Extremely Ginormous Octopus, and the wicked Daughters of the Founding Fathers’ Preservation Society.


Publisher’s Synopsis (Dastan Books)

Alexandra Morningside (Alex) adalah anak perempuan berusia sepuluh setengah tahun yang tinggal bersama pamannya. Kedua orangtuanya telah meninggal dunia. Hidupnya berubah setelah mengenal Mr. Underwood, gurunya sekaligus keturunan dari bajak laut terkenal, Infamous Wigpowder.

Suatu hari, kawanan bajak laut Ironic Gentleman yang kejam menculik Mr. Underwood guna mencaritahu di mana lokasi harta karun Wigpowder. Peristiwa ini menyebabkan paman Alex terbunuh. Alex pun berusaha menyelamatkan Mr. Underwood. Dalam perjalanannya, Alex harus menghadapi banyak rintangan, termasuk dari Putri Komunitas Pelestarian Pendiri Negara, namun ia juga mendapat bantuan dari Kapten Magnanimous dan anak buahnya.

Berhasilkah Alex menyelamatkan Mr. Underwood? Akankah harta karun Wigpowder ditemukan? Alex berpacu dengan waktu dan dituntut untuk mengerahkan segala usaha terbaiknya sebelum semuanya terlambat…


My Review

Asyik ceritanya.

Bikin g bisa napas saking tegangnya.

Tertipu dengan tampilan covernya.

Hmm…don’t judge a book by its cover 😀


Love book and wanna study abroad to Holland

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